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Food App Redesign

The Food App Redesign project aimed to enhance the user experience of a restaurant booking application, focusing on seamless reservation processes, intuitive navigation, and an inviting design. The goal was to create an app that simplifies the restaurant reservation journey, providing users with a delightful and efficient booking experience.


Duration: 2 months


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Home Screen

The home screen is the heart of the app, featuring personalized restaurant recommendations, upcoming events, and an intuitive search bar. Visuals of mouth-watering dishes entice users to explore and book their next dining experience.

Forgot Password Screen

The forgot password screen provides a simple and secure process for users to recover their accounts. It includes input fields for the user's email, clear instructions, and a reset password link.

Forget Passwo.png

Registration Screen

The registration screen streamlines the user sign-up process. It includes fields for essential information, such as name, email, and password. Visual cues guide users through the registration steps, and a sign-up button completes the process.

Onboarding Screen

The onboarding screen introduces users to the key features of the app. It features visually appealing illustrations, a concise description of the app's value proposition, and a call-to-action to proceed.


Design Principles

The UI/UX design for the Food app is guided by the following principles:

  1. User-Centric Onboarding: The onboarding process introduces users to the app's value proposition and features, setting a positive tone for their experience.

  2. Efficient Account Management: The Forgot Password and Registration screens prioritize user security and a streamlined sign-up process.

  3. Visual Appeal: High-quality images and cohesive color schemes create an inviting and visually pleasing interface across all screens.

  4. Intuitive Navigation: The Home screen focuses on presenting relevant information in a clear and accessible manner, encouraging users to explore and make reservations effortlessly.

Technologies Used

  • Sketch and Figma for wireframing and design

  • Figma and InVision for prototyping

  • Adobe XD and Figma for high-fidelity mockups

Challenges and Solutions

  • Password Recovery Security: Implementing secure password recovery mechanisms, including email verification, addressed concerns related to account security.

  • Streamlined Registration: Designing a user-friendly registration flow involved iterative testing to ensure a seamless sign-up experience.


TheFood App Redesign received positive feedback during user testing, with improved onboarding completion rates, efficient account management, and enhanced user engagement on the Home screen. The redesign successfully combined aesthetic appeal with functional efficiency

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