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​BetNow App Redesign

The BetNow App Redesign project aimed to enhance the user experience and visual appeal of an existing betting application. The goal was to create a seamless, intuitive, and engaging platform for users to place bets on various sports events.


Duration: 3 months


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Home Screen

The redesigned home screen provides users with dynamic and personalized sports tips. It features upcoming events, expert predictions, and a clean layout that encourages users to explore the latest tips.

Event Details

The event details screen focuses on presenting comprehensive information about a specific sports event, including expert insights and recommended bets. Clear and intuitive navigation allows users to make informed decisions.

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In-Play Betting

The in-play betting screen offers users the thrill of real-time tips and predictions. It features dynamic updates, live commentary, and a visually appealing interface that encourages users to actively follow and act upon tips during live events.

User Account

The user account screen focuses on personalization and account management. Users can easily view their betting history, manage funds, and access account settings. The design ensures a smooth and secure transaction process

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Design Principles

The UI/UX design for the Sports Tips app is guided by the following principles:

  1. Simplicity: The interface is streamlined for easy navigation, ensuring users can access sports tips effortlessly.

  2. Visual Hierarchy: Important information, including expert insights and recommended bets, is presented prominently, guiding users to key actions and events.

  3. Engagement: Interactive elements, such as live commentary and dynamic tips updates, enhance user engagement and create an immersive experience.

  4. Personalization: The app tailors sports tips and content based on the user's preferences and tip history

Technologies Used

  • Sketch and Figma for wireframing and design

  • Figma and InVision for prototyping

  • Adobe XD and Figma for high-fidelity mockups

Challenges and Solutions

  • Data Presentation: Displaying complex sports tips data required creating clear visualizations and providing concise summaries to aid user understanding.

  • User Preferences: Implementing a system for users to customize their tip preferences required careful UX design to balance flexibility and simplicity.


The Sports Tips App Redesign received positive feedback during user testing, with a significant increase in user engagement and successful tips utilization. The intuitive design and enhanced user experience contributed to the app's overall success.

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